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Posted: January 31, 2024
Author: burlesandco

How to Improve Productivity in the Workplace 

Nowadays, leaders face technological, economic and social challenges, which can negatively affect motivation and productivity within the workplace. Productivity is a key priority and can mean the difference between a business thriving or stagnating and falling behind. 

Below, we have outlined four key ways business leaders can improve productivity and strive for success.

1. Don’t let hybrid working sap your team’s productivity.

Remote and hybrid working has become the norm for many businesses. A flexible working model gives employees more control over how and where they work, which can increase productivity. 

However, remote working requires a careful approach. It can blur the boundaries between work and leisure time, leading to excessive working hours and burnout or poor performance and a lack of progress. 

To combat this, business leaders should prioritise collaborative working and find strategies to ensure clear communication and effective time management. These strategies include investing in employee management systems, setting regular team meetings, and encouraging in-person and virtual events to foster a more collaborative work environment. 

2. Set clear objectives to measure progress effectively.

Business metrics are critical to benchmarking and future planning. Setting clear objectives allows you to measure your team’s progress and identify areas for improvement. For example, you might find that a process needs improving, an employee needs more training, or a project needs more resources. 

Addressing gaps or weaknesses in your business can improve operational efficiency and generate more revenue. This revenue can then be invested back into your team through development and training opportunities, thus creating a cycle of growth that benefits both your company and your workforce. 

3. Regularly check in with your team and celebrate the small wins

Regularly checking in with your team is a simple but effective way to improve productivity in the workplace. Weekly and monthly meetings provide a structured framework for monitoring progress, identifying bottlenecks and developing strategies to move forward. 

Clear communication across all levels of an organisation ensures that everyone’s on the same page and understands exactly what they should be doing and why. Regular discussions can also highlight the small wins and allow business leaders to celebrate these victories and distribute praise where appropriate. 

4. Embrace new technologies to improve productivity across the board.

Technology plays a vital role in boosting workplace productivity. The right tools can streamline tasks, automate processes, and improve communication. Therefore, it’s important not to get left behind. Business leaders should be open to embracing new technologies to maximise productivity across the board. 

Employees should feel empowered rather than controlled by technology. Providing comprehensive training for new software can enhance personal productivity and give your business a competitive edge against less technologically literate companies. 

Increased productivity translates into sustainable growth and profitability for your business. To discover more productivity-boosting strategies, speak to Burles and Co. about our mentorship, consultancy and coaching services.